When I first pulled together an early version of Continue & Begin Fast Coaching® back in the 90s I had no idea I was creating a fast coaching method which would benefit so many people in such a diverse range of sectors – and in so many languages! Who can forget the influence of Marius Tomaszewski!

Continue & Begin Fast Coaching® experienced a boost in popularity with the publication of my book ‘Boomerang! Coach Your Team to Be the Best’ in 2007 which used customer service as a reference point. Of course, Continue & Begin® is now used in wider contexts, including social care, housing, in families, in education and in sport. The common thread is the ‘content free’ nature of the approach. Continue & Begin Fast Coaching® remains a powerful methodology and is simple to apply.

Over the years I have continued to fine-tune the model, ensuring Continue & Begin Fast Coaching® evolves as a powerful and feel-good inducing fast coaching method.

Old Code has done a fine job, it’s now time to move over and make room for New Code Continue & Begin Fast Coaching®. New Code includes elements of my own delivery patterns drawn from decades of studying with Masters of personal change including Frank Farrelly, Avy Joseph, Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Tony Robbins and most recently the amazing people at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California.

Throughout Continue & Begin Fast Coaching® the influences of Fritz Perls, Alfred Korzybski, Noam Chomsky and Milton Erickson continue to shine, especially for folk who understand the nature of their work.

New Code goes to the next stage in efficacy. Greater emphasis on ‘feeling’ (an evolution of leverage), future orientation (with key questions for the coachee), and insights for the Coach into why basic principles from Transformational Grammar offer such useful underpinning knowledge.

When these critical elements are woven into Continue & Begin Fast Coaching® in a form which is simple to understand and easy to apply, we have a new generation of fast coaching just waiting to help people celebrate and feel good and then work towards fulfilling their dreams, whatever the context!

Old Code is fine; New Code is where the new thinking excites and delivers even better results!