The origins behind Continue & Begin Fast Coaching® come from a diverse range of influences, including my own experiential learning and trial and error testing of hypotheses. There are influencing agents at work in Continue & Begin® some of which can be traced to ‘change’ disciplines. Other influencers include cases and circumstances where early manifestations of Continue & Begin Fast Coaching® were used to create change in a person’s work life, education, sports perfromance, social life or family environment. Continue & Begin® evolved and adapted over time. A small group of Continue & Begin Fast Coaching® Master Trainers have underpinning knowledge and understanding of these influences. I have shared my own learnings with them.
Included within the category of ‘influences’ is the field (or more accurately ‘fields’) of Neuro Linguistic Programming. In my Continue & Begin® work I use selected nuggets from NLP alongside other ingredients. NLP is an often misunderstood set of personal change tools which can be enormously helpful to a coachee. There is also unhelpful mystique, misinformation and drama about what NLP is and how it can be used. At the heart of NLP is the original strategy which was its first, and in my opinion still most valuable application – the process of modelling excellence.
I have pasted below my Review on Amazon of a superb new book written by two of the originators of what became known as NLP. You may be curious about their book.
‘Origins of Origins’
A review by Nick Drake-Knight of ‘The Origins of Neuro Linguistic Programming’, a book by John Grinder & Frank Pucelik, Crown House 2013
Enquiring minds seek the origins of origins. The Structure of Magic Volumes 1 & 2 gave us a framework for an improved understanding of communication and for helping people (including ourselves) create changes. For those subjects in the early 1970s fortunate to have been modelled by the ‘Originators’, it provided insights into their own strategies, known and unknown. Since that early publication some minds have sought deeper understanding by investigating those modelled in more depth, to gain comprehension of their (the Models’) own origins of origins. Exploring can be fun! But what of the Modellers themselves? We knew little of the circumstances leading to their co-operation, the strategies employed by them, the thinking, the brilliant intuitiveness, the trial and error and their persistence in hard work. We had an impoverished awareness of the environment within which they operated and the cultural influences within their community. We had only sketchy representations of the spectrum of players in the game and their experiences and contributions to the Meta Model and what eventually became ‘NLP’. This book answers some of those questions. It is a remarkable read.